First Ibogaine research in heroine addiction

In 1962, Howard Lotsof was addicted to heroin. He tried ibogaine that a chemist had given him, wanting to trip for a couple of days. He woke the next day with the surprising revelation that he no longer wanted heroin and he was able to stay drug free after. Although Lotsof wasn’t a doctor, nor a clinical researcher, his experience with Ibogaine led him to explore truth about what is ibogaine.
During the next year, Lotsof conducted a number of non-clinical studies under the guise of  S & L Laboratories. This allowed him to find ibogaine for sale without legal issues. At the time, psychedelics were not controlled, and were accessible to anybody who started their own chemical enterprise. Between 1962 and 1963, Lotsof provided ibogaine to 20 people at a variety of doses. The results of this non clinical experiment was that seven of the heroin dependent users mentioned the elimination of withdrawal and cravings following the ibogaine session.  5 of those 7 people were able to avoid heroin for six months or longer.